Welcome to The Golf Club at Rancho California Online Booking Page
Please read carefully before booking your Tee Time
Credit Card Information is required at the time of booking
(we accept American Express/MasterCard/Visa and Apple Pay)
Important Note: You are required to cancel your reservation 24 Hours in advance of your scheduled Tee Time. Failure to provide notice will result in the Credit Card being charged. The 24 Hour Timeline will be enforced.
Booking Options
Standard Booking: You may reserve a booking online up to 10 Days in advance of the date of play – standard rates apply, with balance of payment due at the Pro Shop the day of play.
Seniors(60+)/Military/1st Responders: Players in this category will be charged the posted Sr./Mil./1st Responder rate at the Golf Course, Monday-Friday.
Groups consisting of 8 players or more – Please contact Dave Garner (Dave@golfranchocalifornia.com) or JT Manning (GM@golfranchocalifornia.com)
Pace of Play for Rounds of Golf
For Tee Times from 6:00 am to 9:00 am expected pace is fast play. After 9:00 am the accepted industry pace of 4 hours and 20 minutes is appreciated. Please book your tee time based on these recommendations. Rates are reduced for Twilight play. The course cannot guarantee you will be able to play all 18 holes. Carts will be due in at sunset.
By booking your Tee Time online, you are accepting the responsibility for the players in your group, which includes any/all damages caused to the Golf Course and Golf Carts. Any damages to Golf Course Property and/or Golf Carts will result in immediate charge to the Credit Card held on file.
Golf Cart Rental Policy
Spectator and Player Cart fees:
Single Players – Are subject to being paired in a single cart based on player count in the tee time.
Twosomes – Assigned a single Golf Cart
Threesomes – Are subject to being paired in a single cart based on player count in the tee time.
Foursomes – Assigned two Golf Carts
Spectators – Spectators or additional Riders are required to pay a $20.00 Fee, which allows us to meet our liability insurance requirements
Hot Deals/Trade Times – all players will share a Cart unless they opt to pay the $20.00 fee for their own Cart.
Dress Code Policy
Proper Golf Attire is required – Collared Polo/V-Neck Shirt for Men and Golf Blouse and Skirts/Bermuda Shorts for Women. No Denim attire is allowed.